
3 Years - School age

Our highly qualified and experienced staff create a well organised and resourced space which encourages children to become independent and learn lots of new skills. Practitioners work alongside children to develop and support their learning and development.

In Toppers the key person supports children in developing their own learning and are provided with individually tailored ‘next steps’ to enhance learning with sensitivity and support. The daily routine, environment and positive relationships helps children to gain confidence and feel secure in their environment.

Our planning cycle in each room is based upon the observations, interests and needs of each individual child.
We aim to prepare children to be school ready and have several ways to do this. We have several structured learning times throughout they day, these consist of story times, teaching times, phonics sessions and small group learning.

We encourage self-registration and have boards with photos on so children can clock themselves in and out.
Toppers have an interactive table, which can be used to play educational games, watch educational videos or used to practice mark making skills.

The pre-school children have access to our small lending library and are all given a book bag to take books home and share them with their family.

We have introduced Makaton and this is use to assist the spoken word.
We have a show and tell session which encourages self confidence and speaking in front of others.